What is lurking?
Typically lurking is the act of sitting in a channel and just lurking in the shadows, sitting there, watching, not talking. Streamers often lurk in each others channels as a way of helping each other grow. Some may have lots of tabs open or some may be using a third party site like kadgar or multitwitch to show multiple streams within a single window. Thus spreading there 1 viewcount among multiple streamers at once.
A new variant of lurking has recently come up where these lurkers are coming out of the shadows and reminding the streamer they are there. They may be cycling through their open tabs and copy+pasting a simple message of encouragement or even using an automated irc script to send the messages.
Lurkers are loved on twitch, they are the unsung hero, they have helped many big streamers grow.
Lurkers are the foundation of almost every channel on Twitch
If you want more information on lurking or how to automate your lurks, you can whisper me here on twitch or join my discord and we can talk.